
Showing posts from January, 2019

To Like or Not to Love

Those days, I have a lot of question in my little head. Most of them are related to my relation with others. I find that, relationships are so complicated. Why? Because each person in the world have different way of been and seen life. This thing changes the way you see relationship. If we take friendship as an example, the way you identify someone like a friend might not be the same to the person next to you. And, even with my 16 years of experiences, I still don’t know how I might call friend. However, I still got my little idea of what are relationships. Let’s discover it together. Like I say above, the way you see a person like a friend have a lot a chance to change from a person to and other. For some person, a friend is only a person with who you have fun and enjoy the time you pass with him, and for others, it might be a person how you can talk with, without being judge. I thinking about three type of friend, even if there is much more than that, an even more type of relat...